ICSOC 2017 – Call for PhD Symposium Papers
The ICSOC 2017 PhD Symposium is an international forum for PhD students working in all areas related to service-oriented computing.
The goals of the symposium are:
- To bring together PhD students and established researchers in the field of service-oriented computing,
- To enable PhD students to interact with other PhD students and to stimulate exchange of ideas, suggestions, and experiences among participants,
- To provide PhD students an opportunity to present, share and discuss their research in a constructive and critical atmosphere, and
- To provide PhD students with critical and constructive feedback from experts on their already completed and, more importantly, planned research work.
This symposium in Malaga (Spain) will be the 13th edition of the series held in conjunction with the ICSOC conferences in Banff (2016), Goa (2015), Paris (2014), Berlin (2013), Shanghai (2012), Paphos (2011), San Francisco (2010), Stockholm (2009), Sydney (2008), Vienna (2007), Chicago (2006), and Amsterdam (2005).
Submissions must be authored exclusively by PhD students (coauthors are not allowed). Students who have defined their PhD topic, but are still sufficiently far from completing their thesis, are invited to submit their ongoing work to be able to take full advantage of the given feedback.
Submissions should present the research in progress that is intended to lead to a PhD dissertation. Each paper must contain the following aspects:
- Clear problem statement: The problem the research intends to solve, the target audience of this research, and a motivation of why the problem is important and needs to be solved.
- Research challenges that drive the proposed work.
- Related work: A review of the relevant related work, with an emphasis on how the proposed approach is different and what advantages it has over the existing state of the art.
- Proposed solution and the preliminary results obtained: A description of the work to-date and the results achieved so far.
- Plan for evaluation and validation: How the work will be evaluated, stating how the suggested solution is different, new, or better than existing approaches to the problem.
- Planned timeline for completion and the expected impact of the contribution.
Submissions must not exceed 6 pages (strict requirement) and formatted according to the Springer LNCS format. Submissions must be single-authored, and the name of the supervisor(s) must be clearly indicated.
Papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, via the PhD Symposium track in the ICSOC submission system.
Accepted papers presented at the Symposium will be included in the ICSOC’17 post-conference proceedings of satellite events, to be published by Springer in the Service Science series. A Best Paper Award, sponsored by Springer, will be given to the paper that the Program Committee judges to be the best in quality, execution and impact among all the papers accepted for the symposium.
Important Dates
Abstracts Submission Deadline: August 14, 2017Submission Deadline: August 28, 2017 (Extended)Notifications: September 14, 2017Camera ready deadline: October 01, 2017- Doctoral Symposium: November 13, 2017
Symposium Co-Chairs
- Naouel Moha, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Loli Burgueño, University of Malaga, Spain
Symposium Program Committee
- Pedro Alvarez, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
- Hoa Dam, University of Wollongong, Australia
- Massimo Mecella, University of Rome, Italy
- Francis Palma, Screaming Power Inc., Canada
- Pascal Poizat, Université Paris Ouest, France
- Gustavo Rossi, UNLP, Argentina
- George Spanoudakis, City University London, UK
- Mathias Weske, University of Postdam, Germany
- Xiwei Xu, CSIRO, Australia
For any information please contact: phdc@icsoc.org
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